I use Google Maps for every trip that we take. Even if it is just a weekend away someplace, it’s nice to know what is around you so you can just go there instead of trying to figure out what to do or where to go.
Start by making an account with Google if you don’t already have one. After that it is as simple as looking at the map of your destination and marking what you want to do.
I use the favorite pin, a heart, for major attractions and then use the starred place pin, a star, for everything else.
The best thing about Google Maps is it will show you via an icon what you are looking at. Restaurants, hotels, attractions, ect. I usually click the restaurants, follow their links, read reviews, and then look at their menu to decide if it is right for us. Yes, this takes some time, but in the end it is worth it.
Google Maps also marks interesting sites you may want to visit with light blue/green icons. one even has a camera icon, meaning you should see what it is, and if you want to make a quick stop.
Below is a snap shot of part of my Venice map.

You’ll notice I have 2 hearts, Piazza San Marco and Rialto Bridge. The rest of my stars are mainly restaurants. I’ll explain more in my itinerary guide about planning a strategy when deciding where to go.