Venice Tourist Fee

Starting this year, Venice will enact a 2-5 Euro fee, per person, for all day visitors. This fee may raise to 10 Euros per person this summer.

More than 50% of the people that visit Venice come in on cruise ships or via bus or train with a tour company for just a day of exploring.

The new fee is aimed mainly at the cruise ships as they contribute nearly no income to the city.

overnight guests will not be taxed, as they already pay and overnight guest fee on their hotel room.

Cinque Terre Fines

Cinque Terre is a set of five towns set on the beautiful coast of Liguria. The towns are connected by a series of hiking trails, which are not level or smooth. They are more like alpine paths and require better apparel for navigating.

Due to tourists not wearing appropriate footwear, like flip flops, while hiking between villages, there is now a fine system in place for those in need of assistance.

The national park authority is now imposing fines of between 50 and 2500 Euros for anyone needing assistance due to poor footwear. The fine will be determined by expense and inconvenience to the mountain rescue tea,

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