The Negroni is a classic Italian cocktail that has been around since the early 1900s. It is a refreshing, slightly bitter, and complex drink that is often enjoyed as an aperitif. The cocktail is traditionally made with equal parts gin, vermouth, and Campari. It’s served on the rocks with an orange slice, which adds a subtle citrusy flavor to the drink. The Negroni is a great choice for those who appreciate the complexity of a classic cocktail. Its balance of bitterness and sweetness make it a unique and delightful drink. While some prefer to make their Negroni with a bit of extra gin, the traditional recipe is still the most popular. Whether you’re looking for a light and refreshing drink or something a bit more complex, the Negroni is sure to please


1oz Campari

1oz Sweet vermouth

1oz Gin

Orange slices


Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add the Vermouth, Campari, and Gin, and shake well.

Strain into a glass and garnish with an orange slice.

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