Other than the Vatican, this is the other tour that I consider a must-see.

Take Walks offers several different Colosseum tours so you can take another one on a future visit and it will be different.
Standing in a building that is over 2000 years old really makes you feel insignificant at times. The size of the Colosseum is very impressive. From looking down at the floor where the gladiatorial games happened to the top floors where the “cheap seats” were. You’ll notice in the picture the wooden platform in the upper right corner. They rebuilt one of the “traps” so you can see how they would work. During the games, they would open a door and a tiger, bear, or something else would come out and join in the battle.

After leaving the Colosseum on our way to Palatine Hill we stopped to see the Arch of Constantine, dedicated in 315, it is the largest Roman triumphal arch in Rome.

We stopped at a museum at the top of Palatine Hill that contains a lot of different types of statues, artwork, and pottery. This is just a gateway to get from the Colosseum to the Forums, but it is a worthy stop to get out of the sun for a bit.

Once we arrived down into the Forums, we wondered what it actually looked like when it was whole. The scope of the buildings is amazing. From the Basilica of Maxentius to the various Temples, it must have been a beautiful thing to see 1900+ years ago when it was all standing.

There is no way to remember everything that you’ll learn from this tour but there are plenty of markers with information about sets of ruins and I’ll include a few in the gallery. This tour involves a lot of walking so make sure to wear comfortable shoes.